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Click here to view the 2022 Senior Living Guide, also 2021, and 2020.


Advertise in Lexington’s Senior Living Guide!

Meet Lexington, Kentucky’s fastest-growing population: the baby boomers.

The Senior Living Lexington Guide celebrates the BEST of Lexington’s Senior Living options.

This glossy annual directory is designed for decision makers considering their options in:

  • retirement living
  • senior housing
  • senior resources
  • healthcare
  • financial sectors and financial planning
  • worship

and more.

The Senior Living Lexington Guide is published once a year.  It is a glossy publication, that is

  • direct-mailed to high net worth homes and businesses throughout the bluegrass

All advertisers, sponsors, and partners receive a display case to distribute the publication, and Lexington area medical practices, health care facilities, libraries, and senior resource venues also serve as additional points of distribution.

Space is limited, and the print editions of the Senior Living Lexington Guide only happen once a year.

The Senior Living Lexington Guide online is the bluegrass’s premier conversation starter for aging gracefully, providing daily news content, video, and multimedia. We are delighted to help you tell your story.


Reservations and Placement

For advertising, multimedia partnerships, and sponsorship opportunities, call us today at 859.361.4169.

We offer a wide range of advertising and partnership opportunities depending on options you will personally select (size, frequency, multimedia, video, etc).

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Digital ad specs for Senior Living Lexington Guide