Find Financial Security with help from McClelland & Associates PLLC

THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. Stop worrying about the uncertainties of nursing home care. BY MCCLELLAND & ASSOCIATES, PLLC At ElderLawLexington we know that you want to be financially secure. In order to do that, you need help protecting your home and life savings when paying for nursing home care. The problem is you don’t know who you can trust which can be...

Estate Planning with Bluegrass Elderlaw

THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. Why NOW is the right time to do your Estate Planning Estate Planning to ease anxiety? Make sure you do it the right way. By Bluegrass ElderLaw LLC If we have learned anything during the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, it is that we do not know what the future holds. Uncertainty may create anxiety in your life. Instead of avoiding...

Learn more about Friendship Towers at Sayre Christian Village

THIS IS A SPONSORED FEATURE. Welcome to Sayre Christian Village We recognize that most everyone has become accustomed to more space. Our Friendship Towers apartments were built with that in mind and boast some of the largest square footage in the area. Each apartment will have a full size kitchen with dishwasher, washer and dryer, and be designed to meet the...

4 Tips for Spotting Misinformation Online

4 Tips for Spotting Misinformation Online By Pete Alberti — Kentucky Health Solutions   The internet gives us access to a nearly limitless amount of articles, videos and images. If you have a question about your health and take a moment to Google it, you can find a ton of answers within seconds. But, not all of the resources that pop up in...

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