Cedarhurst of Beaumont celebrates World Senior Citizen’s Day

World Senior Citizen’s Day falls on Friday, August 21 this year. Cedarhurst of Beaumont has tailored programs to each individual and created new activities to keep residents safe, happy and healthy in the age of Covid-19. With fun and safety in mind, they have proven that senior citizens can be celebrated every day, but especially on World Senior Citizen's Day.   ___ To advertise...

Mayor opens new affordable apartments in Lexington

Mayor Linda Gorton and Councilmember Josh McCurn hosted a ribbon cutting on Monday, August 10 to officially open 71 new affordable apartments at Meadowthorpe Landing in Lexington. The development will provide affordable housing for independent senior citizens. “Our city needs more affordable housing, especially for senior citizens,” Mayor Linda Gorton said. “We still have a lot of work to do,...

Christmas in July at Lexington’s Liberty Ridge

The pandemic didn't stop Lexington's Liberty Ridge Senior Living Center from celebrating Christmas in July. The residents and staff of Liberty Ridge have done so well with wearing their mask, washing their hands and practicing social distancing to keep the coronavirus out of their community that Santa and his Elves visited each resident and rewarded each of them with a...

Lexington among top cities for seniors staying in the workforce

Lexington, Kentucky ranked among the top 25 cities where seniors are increasingly staying in the workforce. Lexington ties for the 14th spot with two other cities. The city's senior labor force participation rate increased by 0.6% from 2017 to 2018 and 7.1% from 2014 to 2018. More Americans have been working past the traditional retirement age of 65 while the senior...

What is open and closed for Memorial Day 2020 in Lexington

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is on Monday, May 25, 2020. Will government offices be open? What about specific businesses? Will trash be collected?   Banks are closed in observance of Memorial Day. The Lexington Public Library remains closed at this time. The Fayette County Clerk Office remains closed to the public at this time. The Kentucky Court of Justice is closed for Memorial Day. LexTran will run...

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