How are grocery stores in Lexington helping seniors during COVID-19


With Lexingtonians heading to the grocery stores to stock up on essentials, they are not leaving enough for those that need it the most. To help with this, some grocery stores are dedicating certain times during the day to senior shopping only. Senior only shopping at Aldi every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 am until 9:30 am. Senior shopping at Big...

Mayor Linda Gorton addresses new guidelines for Lexington amid COVID-19

Mayor Linda Gorton

Mayor Linda Gorton held a press conference announcing more information on how to help contain the spread of COVID-19. As of March 23, there will be no more yard waste pick-up until further notice. To help families in this time of need, God’s Pantry predicts they will need at least 10,000 boxed meals per month. Fire Stations are closed...

Is senior programming in Lexington being affected by COVID-19


The city of Lexington has officially suspended programs for senior citizens. Mayor Linda Gorton announced the city will suspend programs for senior citizens, effective Friday, March 13, because of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Beginning on Friday, there will be no programming for seniors at the Senior Center, the Charles Young Center, the Bell House, or Black and Williams Center, which hosts Elder Crafters....

Tax preparation seminar with CKEEP and United Way of the Bluegrass


The Central Kentucky Economic Empowerment Project, or CKEEP, is led by the United Way of the Bluegrass. They are hosting a seminar dedicated to tax preparation for low-income families. Partnering with the IRS, they want to help raise awareness about the Earned Income Tax Credit. They also want to help families build assets for the future. CKEEP's goal with seminars like...

Liberty Ridge Senior Living Hosts Benefit Dinner

Liberty Ridge Senior Living celebrated the month of love. Liberty Ridge invited the community to show their love for people, businesses, and the senior community. On Thursday, February 13 Liberty Ridge hosted a three-course Benefit Dinner to raise funds for upgrades for the Liberty Ridge Salon. Course one: Jumbo Gulf Shrimp with house-made Cocktail Sauce and Fresh Lemon. Mixed Field Greens Salad with Feta,...

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