After outgrowing their space along North Broadway in Lexington, UK’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging needed a new home for clinical research and patient care.

The research team moved into their new home on UK Healthcare’s Turfland Campus in December, and welcomed the first participant into their new home on Dec. 20, 2021. The new facility is designed to provide a seamless, less stressful experience for a fragile population. It is essentially a one-stop shop for memory care and support.
Sanders-Brown has offered 42 clinical trials in the prevention and treatment of dementia since 2015. The new facility allows the addition of at least 11 more clinical trials involving 625 additional participants, and it will speed up the transition from discovery to patient care. Additionally, the new clinic will greatly improve the competitiveness of the UK Alzheimer’s Disease Center, which Sanders-Brown directs, to compete for rapidly expanding federal research funding on aging.
Ultimately, director Linda Van Eldik PhD says Sanders-Brown is much more than just a research center.
“It is our mission to help patients and their families here and now, not just those who may suffer from dementia later,” she said. “Our outreach programs connect patients and their families with the resources they need to manage the day-to-day ups and downs that is life with Alzheimer’s disease.”
The Sanders-Brown Memory Clinic is the place where their research intersects with patient care. Leaders say this expanded clinic space is truly critical to their mission of advancing both research and patient care.